The Perfect Gift for a Healthcare worker

Healthcare workers have extremely demanding jobs, and with the increase of patients  throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many professionals are finding their shifts longer and more difficult. Show some support with a gift that will help keep energy levels and spirits high with delicious snacks, organic tea, creauly free body care and a badge clip all bundled up in a beautiful care package!

What's Included?

Each Healthcare worker Essentials Gift Boxes include a collection of items to help them keep going during their long shifts. Here's a look at some of the items included:




Badge Clip

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  • Gift Wrap & Personal Message

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What People Are Saying About Our Gift Boxes

I really love it. I think the concept is super cool- I loved the snacks that were included. All easy to bring to work and eat quickly on a busy night or day shift. I haven't used all of the self care products but the chapstick and lotion stick are awesome, two products I always find myself needing on a 12 hr shift. I definitely plan on buying this box again, will probably send it to a few friends I have that are going to be graduating nursing school in the next year or two!

I’ve already eaten half the snacks, perfect to keep you on the go and awake for 12 hours. The self care products are all awesome and practical, sometimes we forget just how important self care is! The badge reel and keychain marker were the perfect touch and totally thoughtful. Will definitely recommend to all my nurse friends!

Awesome Selection of snacks!! I'm a huge snacker and I like to try different things, so I usually end up spending wayy to much time strolling the aisles in the grocery store. When you add on checking all ingredients lists and comparing products, it gets pretty time consuming, so this was perfect for me. I ended up loving everything in the fit box :)

Healthcare workers are working hard...They deserve some love!

Say thanks for their hard work with some care items and fuel them with healthy snacks.