As I sit here pondering what we are thankful for at Bunny James, I find myself being at a loss for the right words.


I’m not at a loss because there is nothing to be thankful for, I’m tongue tied and keyboard locked because there is a laundry list of amazing moments, kind people, company saving miracles, and loyal customers that it’s impossible for me to only pick a few.


It’s crazy to think that a group of people with zero experience have built a company providing joy internationally, we have an amazing team. We are thankful for the 89 million HOOMANS in this country that have someone in their immediate family with a specialty diet, we exist because of you 


One of our deepest gratitude’s is that we have gained the knowledge that anything is possible with enough determination, faith, and wonderful people.


Bunny James was built off the morals within the story of “Harvey the Herder” and it’s amazing to know that the message behind that story is true. We all have the power to step outside of our limitations and do what others believe to be impossible. We include this story in every box.


Here are a few moments that really touched me throughout the year. Moments to be thankful for. Enjoy!    


Our first ever team dinner. This was the moment that we got to take a step back from work and enjoy the company of the people we work with every day.


The first time we could afford swag.


When we made the local news.


When we moved into a new warehouse and had to learn how to put up racking!


When friends and family were willing to be models


International Pot Luck Day – Where everyone made a dish!


When my dad and best friends from high school were kind enough to fly in and sell boxes at Sam’s club


When our new bunny boxes came in and turned everyone red and no one quit


Happy Thanksgiving from Bunny James to you!


Sincerely, Lonny James